The development of the Digital Agenda and the administrative simplification processes are presented as the clearest and most direct opportunities for technology companies in Cantabria interested in working with the Government of Cantabria. Two major proposals associated with the digital transformation of the Administration and in which there will be various options so that ICT organizations in the region can expand their business portfolio.

This was made clear during the information meeting that the General IT Directorate of the Government of Cantabria held with fifty agents from the region’s technology sector. The meeting, promoted and requested by the Tera Cluster, has been a good opportunity to learn about both the internal functioning of this general direction and its medium and long-term strategy.

Pablo Izu, general director of this area made up of 70 people, has led a session in which, in addition to reviewing the different budget items and the framework contracts in force, the possibilities that exist associated with both the Digital Agenda and administrative simplification.



The configuration of a document that organizes and governs the digital development of the region is one of the demands of the Tera Cluster since its constitution in 2019. The current Executive, through the Ministry of Industry, is taking firm steps so that the Agenda Digital is a reality in the current legislature. Currently, contributions are being collected from sector agents to enrich or improve an initial proposal that contemplates four axes of action: people, digital government, companies and infrastructure.

In this sense, Izu highlighted that the priority of his department will be to advance in the implementation of the intelligent workplace within the regional Administration. A proposal that is critical for the advancement of the digital transformation of the public sector and that covers everything from the renewal of licenses and supports to the incorporation of new equipment.

Likewise, Izu recalled that administrative simplification is an objective of the current Government team. Despite the lack of specificity at the current moment, in which the priorities associated with this purpose are not yet known, the general director of Digital Transformation indicated that projects will emerge.

On the other hand, the meeting served to remember that all actions related to digitalization and digital transformation implemented by the Government of Cantabria must guarantee regulatory compliance established by the National Security Scheme, the National Interoperability Scheme and the National Security Scheme. Accessibility. “All the proposals you send us must be standardizable and have a systems support contract,” Izu clarified. In that sense, he also indicated that the Administration is increasingly receptive to SaaS (Software as a Service) proposals, as long as they comply with regulations, are economically accessible and have easy application in the current system of the Cantabrian Executive.