Present projects focused on the development of technologies established in the different work programs; Making the most of all the possibilities that exist when forming consortiums and relying on the national coordinators of each specialty to resolve doubts and strengthen
Roberto García and Juan Carlos Ramos, vice president and manager of Tera respectively, reminded Francisco Hortigüela that the ICT sector in Cantabria is made up mostly of highly specialized companies. These niche capabilities together with the ease of management that
Tera and the Decroly-Proeduca Group have reached an agreement to promote the participation of cluster companies in Dual Vocational Training programs. This collaboration will materialize from the 23-24 academic year through the students who are studying at the Decroly subsidized
Exploring the challenges of the market to develop solutions that solve current challenges and generate prosperity for Cantabria is one of the maxims of the Tera Cluster. All the entities associated with this organization share the will to cooperate in