TERA is the Association of Information and Communication Technologies of Cantabria
The ICT sector of Cantabria constitutes a competitive advantage to accelerate the transformation of SMEs and regional public administrations.
It was born in February 2019 with the aim of bringing together all the ICT companies in Cantabria interested in promoting the business, seeking synergies and being able to participate in public tenders and tenders jointly.
The new digital technologies constitute the main engine of social and economic transformation, being the greatest source of competition, and impacting all sectors, both public and private.
Digitization implies challenges and changes, but it also brings with it great opportunities for growth and business for all companies that know how to assert it.
Cantabria represents 1.12% of GDP, but its ICT sector only 0.3% (€ 291 million). There is a need to articulate the offer of the ICT sector with a view to being where the market and customers are.
The Cantabrian ICT sector has a combination of mature companies and micro-companies, the former compete within the national and international market, the latter having problems competing due to the economy of scale.
Promote, for the benefit of our associates, the advancement and competitive improvement of the ICT sector in Cantabria, as well as promote the sustainable development of the Information and Knowledge Society.
Join efforts, capacities, investments and resources to become the maximum reference of the Digital Transformation of Cantabria.
Collaboration. TERA facilitates dialogue between partners, Public and Private Institutions.
Transparency. The Tera Cluster is consistent with its associative base.
Independence. Our activity is based on defending the interests of all associates.
Quality. TERA brings together, through its associates, most of the existing digital skills in the market with excellence and quality.
Corporate identity
We want to commit the entire ICT sector to use the image of TERA in as many scenarios as may be considered of interest (email, catalogs, web, stationery, …) and for which we provide the necessary technical means.
Logo usage is restrictied only under specific permission request from TERA:
- The use of the logo cannot be detrimental to the brand, reputation or esteem of TERA.
- TERA reserves the right to revoke your authorization whenever it considers that the logo is not being used correctly. In this case, the user agrees to stop using the logo after the corresponding notification.
- TERA appreciates the provision of a sample of the material in which the logo has been used.