The Tera Cluster has designed a training program in training and digital skills for the associates of the Sea of Innovation Cantabria Cluster (SICC). Specifically, thanks to the collaboration of the company IBERTEK, it offers an intensive course on the applications that digital twins have in the management and handling of offshore wind turbines.

The naval engineer Héctor de los Ojos is responsible for giving this ad hoc course that takes place from today until Friday in the Ambar Telecomunicaciones training room. Raquel Manzanares, coordinator of Promotion and International Development of Sodercan, Francisco Royano, representing the SICC Cluster; and Roberto García, Vice President of Tera, opened a program that goes from general topics, such as the definition of digital twins or the advantages of their use, to more specific issues such as the implementation and maintenance process of this technology or its component. ethical partner.

The course responds to one of the needs revealed within the working group on “Blue Economy and Just Energy Transitions” of the tetRRIS program. Specifically, the relevance of the proposal was one of the conclusions of the second training workshop of this European initiative that is only deployed in four pilot regions of the European Union.

The Finnish Tampere, the German Karlsruhe and the Romanian Szeged Timisoara accompany Cantabria in this program, whose objective is to align responsible research and innovation with the paradigm and governance of smart specialization. In the specific case of our region, the purpose is to increase the participation and commitment of the Cantabrian ecosystem linked to R+D+i in four main areas: Bioeconomy, Health and Post Covid-19 Society; Responsible Industry 4.0; Sustainability and Territorial Responsibility and the aforementioned Blue Economy and Just Energy Transitions.









Commitment to training

Increasing the digital skills and competencies of professionals linked to the ICT sector is one of the priority lines of action within the Tera Cluster. Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to incorporate human capital with the required knowledge, which is why Tera is deploying an expansive strategy to promote training at practically all levels.
In addition to the ad hoc courses for active professionals and as a way to provide a basic layer of ICT training to all those interested, Tera collaborated with Fundación Telefónica to offer a series of free courses through its online learning platform. The initiative had 540 registered and a success rate close to 50%. This experience offered training on aspects such as programming, web design or basic principles of Big Data.

Likewise, within regulated education, the Cluster actively collaborates with the University of Cantabria in the “University Expert in Cybersecurity” course. An own degree of 30 ECTS credits structured around the five fundamental axes of this subject. One step below, Tera has just signed an agreement with the Decroly-Proeduca Group to promote the participation of its associates in Dual Vocational Training programs.

Finally, it should be remembered that the Cluster carried out a diagnostic study to find out the digital skills of technology companies in the region. This report, in which the possibilities posed by the training itineraries and the real demands of the companies were crossed, concluded that the most demanded technical profiles were related to embedded software, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.