Exploring possible alliances with a leading entity in the field of technological development and sharing a vision on issues of common interest are the main objectives of the Tera Cluster during its visit to Tecnalia. Almost fifteen professionals from the region have traveled to the facilities of this applied research center to learn more about its work model.
With more than 1,500 professionals on staff and almost 9,500 client companies, Tecnalia is considered the largest technology center in Spain. From the perspective of generating an impact on business through technology, this center is a true “giant” whose main areas of action are closely aligned with those of the ICT companies in Cantabria.
In this way, the delegation organized by the TERA Cluster was able to share challenges and vision on issues such as smart manufacturing, digital transformation, sustainable mobility, personalized health, the urban ecosystem or the circular economy. All of them are critical areas of action to encourage the real digital transformation of the production system and have endless business possibilities attached.
The visit took place at the Tecnalia headquarters, located in the Bizkaia Science and Technology Park. There, the conversation around the health sector was of special interest to several of those present. Having the expert advice of a team with extensive experience in this type of project is always enriching. Specifically, Tecnalia focuses its work in the sector towards the technological transformation of health systems and long-term care.
After a tour of part of the Center’s facilities and various explanations about processes and workflows, the meeting concluded with a lively networking session.