The Councilor of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Trade, Javier López Marcano, has highlighted the importance of the companies that make up the ICT sector of Cantabria as basic elements to improve competitiveness, and has coincided with the representatives of the TERA cluster (Association of Information and Communication Technologies of Cantabria) on the need to develop a Digital Agenda that marks the future of the sector in the region.

López Marcano has received in his office the vice president of TERA, Roberto García, and the manager, Juan Carlos Ramos, with whom he has held a meeting where the business representatives have presented the work carried out for the development of a strategic plan for the sector .

García and Ramos have announced that soon the TERA group will present a study of digital skills in Cantabria to find out the need for training in technology with a proposal for action. The study, which is still being developed, consists of three working groups: diagnosis, needs and action plan.

Both parties have shared the need for the ICT companies of Cantabria to increase their presence in public and private tenders and have agreed in the defense so that Cantabrian talent, whether or not of a digital nature, can be retained and used in the region.

TERA was founded in February 2019 with the aim of bringing together all the ICT companies in Cantabria interested in boosting the business, seeking synergies and being able to jointly participate in public tender documents and tenders. Currently there are 23 companies grouped in the association that defend digital technology as the main engine of social and economic transformation, impacting all sectors.