Cantabria’s technology companies will strengthen their collaboration to attract more private projects

The Tera Cluster will intensify its work with technology companies in the region to take advantage of the business opportunities that are being generated in the private sector. Increase corporate knowledge about the experience and capacity of associates, enhance the work of the sectoral commissions of Health, Industry and Education; as well as embracing the most effective ways to form consortia, they are presented as the main actions to be carried out to attend with certain guarantees the calls proposed by large national and international companies.
“I have been in the sector for more than three decades and I have never seen more business opportunities than now,” said Pablo Gómez at the opening of the ordinary general assembly of the Tera Cluster. “I am convinced that from Cantabria we can go and win projects anywhere,” said the president of the sectoral organization.
The digitalization and digital transformation needs that many companies are expressing represent an open vein to generate new business opportunities in all types of sectors. “There are endless verticals to work in and ICT solutions like yours are necessary in all of them,” Gómez continued. “However, it is very difficult for us to get orders if we are not able to join forces,” he concluded.
The president of Tera made this call for collaboration after highlighting the challenges and milestones achieved by the Cantabria ICT cluster during the first five years of its life. In that sense, he highlighted the massive support of the sector for this sectoral group that was born with only 5 members and has already reached 75 associates. In fact, during the meeting, the incorporation of G3 Finanzas del Cantábrico, ENS Legal, Global Dat Servicios Empresariales, Holastream, Siali and Maflow Spain Automotive was made official. Likewise, the DTX consortium, the consulting firm Leyton and the Cantabria Sustainability Cluster have joined the list of strategic collaborators of the group.
In addition to being the main precursors of the Cantabria Digital Agenda, whose presentation will be made shortly, and generating various business opportunities for associated companies, Tera’s board of directors took stock of its relationship with the Administration.
In that sense, he highlighted the willingness to collaborate that they have found in the current Executive and requested procedures that are more efficient for ICT companies in the region. “The dimensions and high degree of specialization of our business ecosystem require us to form a consortium to present competitive offers and many times there is no material time to do so,” explained the president of the sector group. “That is why it is critical to be able to hold informative meetings that help organizations prepare their proposals with a little more margin,” he argued.
The general assembly of the Tera Cluster, which was attended by around 50 business representatives, also included the participation of Ángel Pedraja. The CEO of SODERCAN placed special emphasis on his organization’s vocation for cooperative work, as well as the main lines of help that they will promote in the short term.
Among them, he highlighted the INVESNOVA line that aims to intensify technology transfer through collaboration between universities, technology centers and companies. In addition, he indicated that there will be a portion of direct aid linked to the agreement signed between Sodercan and INCIBE to install a specialized cybersecurity center in the region.
During the course of the meeting, the details of the ‘Digital Transformation from a Humanist Vision’ conference were outlined, to be held next Monday, May 27, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Palacio de la Magdalena. It is expected that Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports of the Government of Spain; Mª José Sáenz de Buruaga, president of the Government of Cantabria; and Gema Igual, mayor of Santander, carry out the institutional opening of the event.
This informative session, whose registration is free, only reinforces the commitment of the technology sector to Cantabrian society in general and to the most vulnerable public in particular. In fact, the event will have a large panel of experts to address how digitalization is affecting aspects such as the gender gap, the new family model or rural development.