Expressions of interest related to strengthening the cybersecurity capacities of SMEs and Cybersecurity

The National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), through its Strategic Plan 2021-2025, incorporates several lines of action aimed at (i) strengthening the cybersecurity capabilities of Spanish companies, with special attention to SMEs, (ii ) the boost, growth and internationalization of the Spanish cybersecurity industry, (iii) the increase and improvement of R & D & I capacities related to cybersecurity, and (iv) the identification, generation and development of talent in cybersecurity. These lines of action will be reinforced in the next 3 years by the initiatives that INCIBE will develop to strengthen cybersecurity capacities and boost the cybersecurity ecosystem through the PRTR, with an economic endowment that, in 2021, is close to the 260 million euros. To guarantee the achievement and efficiency of these lines of action, aligned with the activities that INCIBE will develop through the PRTR, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.