Explorar posibles alianzas con una entidad de referencia en materia de desarrollo tecnológico y compartir visión sobre temáticas de interés común constituyen los principales objetivos del Clúster Tera durante su visita a Tecnalia. Prácticamente una quincena de profesionales de la
The Tera Cluster has signed an agreement with UNIR Professional Training by virtue of which all interested professionals will be able to increase their skills and improve their performance in the most demanded technologies in the ICT sector. The agreement
Tera considers that the preliminary market consultation carried out by the Cantabrian Health Service is "an opportunity for ICT companies"
The Tera Cluster and the Telefónica Foundation have renewed the collaboration agreement that binds both entities to jointly develop the Conecta Empleo program. A free online training initiative that aims to increase employability in the ICT sector, facilitate the development
Según el clúster, “Cantabria es de las pocas regiones de España que no cuenta con una entidad propia para aprovechar las oportunidades económicas asociadas a esta disciplina” La incorporación de 10 nuevos asociados consolida a Tera como interlocutor de referencia en
The Tera Cluster has designed a training program in training and digital skills for the associates of the Sea of Innovation Cantabria Cluster (SICC). Specifically, thanks to the collaboration of the company IBERTEK, it offers an intensive course on the
Creating specific commissions to promote the culture of Industry 4.0 in each of the Cantabria clusters and intensifying the processes to resolve the ICT needs of companies in the region have been the two proposals defended by Tera during the
Present projects focused on the development of technologies established in the different work programs; Making the most of all the possibilities that exist when forming consortiums and relying on the national coordinators of each specialty to resolve doubts and strengthen
Roberto García and Juan Carlos Ramos, vice president and manager of Tera respectively, reminded Francisco Hortigüela that the ICT sector in Cantabria is made up mostly of highly specialized companies. These niche capabilities together with the ease of management that
Tera and the Decroly-Proeduca Group have reached an agreement to promote the participation of cluster companies in Dual Vocational Training programs. This collaboration will materialize from the 23-24 academic year through the students who are studying at the Decroly subsidized